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Women's Counseling

Swift, Specialized Support for Women

Empower yourself with Foundations Counseling's specialized Women's Counseling services. Our expert therapists provide compassionate, tailored support to help you navigate life's challenges, build resilience, and achieve personal growth. Start your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life today.

Discover Your Strength Today!

Welcome to our unique approach to women's counseling, where we prioritize your needs and well-being with unparalleled service. Understanding the urgency of mental health support, we offer an exceptional service feature - a faster appointment setting, ensuring you can speak with a counselor within 48 hours, sometimes even on the same day. This rapid response sets us apart in women's counseling, ensuring you get the help you need when you need it.

Our commitment to quality in women's counseling is evident in our team of highly trained counseling professionals. Each counselor is well-versed in general therapy techniques and specializes in counseling for women, addressing specific challenges and experiences unique to women's mental health. This specialization ensures a deeper understanding and a more practical approach to your needs.

We believe in taking excellent care of our counselors creating a nurturing and supportive environment for them. This approach is central to our philosophy; when our counselors are well-supported, they are better equipped to care for you. This cycle of care enhances the quality of our women's counseling services, ensuring you receive empathetic, informed, and dedicated support.

In our women's counseling sessions, we embrace a no-nonsense approach. Our counselors help you heal and grow, focusing on real progress and accountability. We are committed to being the best we can be for you, fostering a space where you can explore, heal, and thrive. Choose us for women's counseling, which is a service and a partner in your journey toward personal growth and well-being.

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Guaranteed counselor matching to meet your needs. Experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Start your journey with a therapist you can trust.

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Do You Feel...

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, reaching out to the experts at Foundations can be a convenient and effective way to start addressing these challenges. The team at Foundations is ready to guide you through your journey toward healing and personal growth. Taking that first step to seek help can lead to significant positive changes in your life.

Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Hopelessness

If you find yourself feeling constantly sad or hopeless, particularly if these feelings persist for weeks or longer, it could be a sign that you could benefit from women's counseling.

Anxiety or Excessive Worry

Experiencing ongoing anxiety, constant worry, or feeling overwhelmed by stress are common indicators that counseling might be helpful. This can include general anxiety or specific anxieties related to womanhood.

Mood Swings or Emotional Instability

If you notice sudden or extreme changes in your mood, or if your emotions feel unusually intense or hard to control, women's counseling can provide strategies to manage these feelings.

Difficulties with Relationships

Struggling to maintain healthy relationships, whether with a partner, family, or friends, could suggest the need for counseling. This might manifest as frequent conflicts, feeling disconnected, or an inability to form close relationships.

Low Self-Esteem or Self-Worth

Constantly feeling bad about yourself, having a negative self-image, or struggling with self-worth are signs that women's counseling might be beneficial.

Changes in Appetite or Sleep Patterns

Significant changes in your appetite or sleep patterns, like overeating, loss of appetite, insomnia, or oversleeping, can be symptoms of underlying issues that counseling could address.

Lack of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities

Losing interest in hobbies, activities, or social engagements that you used to enjoy can be a symptom of depression or other emotional issues that could be explored in women's counseling.

Physical Symptoms without Medical Cause

omen's counseling. Physical Symptoms without Medical Cause: Experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, stomach aches, or chronic pain without a clear medical cause can sometimes be linked to emotional distress, a sign that counseling might be helpful.

Difficulty Managing Daily Tasks

If you're finding it hard to concentrate, make decisions, or handle daily responsibilities at work or home, this might indicate an underlying issue that could be addressed in counseling.

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Answers to Common Questions

What is women's counseling?

Women's counseling is a specialized form of therapy focusing on issues and challenges unique to women. It can address a wide range of topics, including mental health, relationships, career challenges, life transitions, and physical and emotional well-being.

How do I know if I need women's counseling?

If you're experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, or other emotional challenges that impact your daily life, women's counseling might be beneficial. It's a space to explore these issues in a supportive and understanding environment.

What can I expect in my first counseling session?

The first session is typically about getting to know each other. Your counselor will ask about your background, what brings you to therapy, and your goals. It's also an opportunity for you to ask questions and determine if the counselor is a good fit for you.

What are the costs associated with counseling or therapy sessions at Foundations?

At Foundations, each counseling or therapy session costs $200, or you can opt for a double session at $360. We also provide additional savings through our Healing Journey Packages, which are prepaid sessions available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, or 20, offering discounts that increase with the number of sessions purchased.

Does Foundations accept Insurance?

Foundations will provide any necessary documentation for you to submit for reimbursement with your insurance company. This approach ensures greater privacy, avoids mandatory diagnoses, offers more therapist choices, and promotes tailored session lengths, facilitating a personalized therapeutic experience without external constraints or documentation shared with insurance companies.

What if I need to reschedule my counseling session?

There is no charge for any session cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Are you available in the evenings or on weekends?

Foundations offers flexible early morning, daytime, evening, and Saturday appointments. Please contact us at 970-227-2770 to arrange a session that fits your schedule.

Is women's counseling confidential?

Yes, counseling is a confidential process. Information shared in sessions is not disclosed without your consent, except in situations where there's a risk of harm to yourself or others.

Can women's counseling help with relationship issues?

Absolutely. Women's counseling often addresses relationship dynamics, communication issues, and patterns that may be affecting your relationships.

Do I need a specific reason to seek women's counseling?

No, you don't need a specific reason. Some women seek counseling for general personal growth or to navigate life transitions, even in the absence of acute issues.

Can counseling be done online or does it have to be in person?

Many counselors offer both in-person and online sessions. Online counseling can be a convenient option, especially for those with busy schedules or limited access to local services.

Colorado Licensed Counselors

Not Always

Appointment Scheduling Within 48 Hours


Counselor Match Concierge


Expert In-house Counselor Training


All Counselors Are Employees


In-person Or Online


Local Company & Ownership


Community Involvement


Pay Per Session


Healing Journey Packages

First Visit Free

Find the Right Match

We understand that the journey to emotional well-being begins with connecting you to the right counselor. That's why we proudly offer our unique Counselor Match Guarantee. We don't just pair you with any counselor; we meticulously match you with someone who aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and goals for healing and growth. If the initial pairing needs to be corrected, we encourage you to explore our diverse and experienced team until you find the perfect fit.

Your comfort and progress are paramount, so we ensure you always have a supportive and confidential environment to pursue your journey of self-discovery and healing. Choose us as your trusted partner in this transformative experience—because your well-being deserves the utmost care.

Begin your journey today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let us guide you to emotional wellness with our dedicated and compassionate counseling services.

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Your Hub For Mental Wellness

Explore our Healing Library, a comprehensive resource with valuable content to support your mental health journey. Discover tools, articles, and insights that empower you toward personal growth and emotional resilience.


Healing Journey Packages

Growth-oriented Discounts

Unlock savings on your path to wellness with our Healing Journey Discount Packages. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 prepaid sessions to gain greater insight and healing at a reduced cost.

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The Perfect Match

Our Counselor Guarantee

Start your journey with a therapist you can trust, and experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Meet with as many counselors as you need until you find the perfect fit.

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