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Family Counseling

Family Counseling & Therapy: Building Stronger Connections & Enhancing Communication

Foundations' family counseling strengthens family bonds by resolving conflicts and improving communication, creating a harmonious and supportive environment for all members to thrive together.

Strengthen Your Family Bonds

Our family counseling service is designed to meet your needs swiftly and effectively, with appointment setting as fast as same-day to 48 hours, ensuring timely support when needed. At the heart of our family counseling approach are better-trained professionals dedicated to offering solutions, genuine care, and understanding. We prioritize the well-being of our counselors, ensuring they are in the best position to take care of you and your family's emotional and psychological needs.

In our family counseling sessions, we stand firmly against any superficial measures. Our counselors are committed to helping you heal and grow, focusing on real issues and providing practical, actionable guidance. With a foundation of accountability, our team continuously strives to be the best, ensuring that our family counseling service meets and exceeds your expectations.

Our dedication to excellence in family counseling is unwavering. We support your journey towards stronger family bonds, improved communication, and a deeper understanding of one another. We aim to create a safe, nurturing environment where every family member feels heard and valued.

Ready to embark on a path of healing and growth with our family counseling service? Reach out today to schedule your appointment. Let us help you build a happier, healthier family dynamic.

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Guaranteed counselor matching to meet your needs. Experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Start your journey with a therapist you can trust.

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Do You Feel...

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, reaching out to the experts at Foundations can be a convenient and effective way to start addressing these challenges. The team at Foundations is ready to guide you through your journey toward healing and personal growth. Taking that first step to seek help can lead to significant positive changes in your life.


Experiencing or re-experiencing traumatic events through flashbacks or nightmares can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Counseling is crucial for trauma recovery.

Persistent Conflict

Frequent arguments and conflicts between family members that seem irresolvable, indicating underlying issues that require professional mediation.

Communication Breakdown

Struggles with open and healthy communication, where family members find it hard to share feelings, thoughts, or concerns without misunderstanding or escalation.

Behavioral Changes in Children

Noticeable shifts in children's behavior, such as withdrawal, aggression, declining academic performance, or sudden changes in social habits, suggesting distress within the family dynamics.

Emotional Detachment

A growing sense of disconnection among family members, where emotional bonds weaken, and individuals feel isolated or indifferent towards each other.

Life Transition Challenges

Difficulty in adjusting to significant life changes such as divorce, remarriage, relocation, or the death of a loved one, leading to stress and disharmony in the family unit.

Parenting Disputes

Ongoing disagreements on parenting styles or disciplinary approaches, causing tension and inconsistency that affect the children's sense of security and family unity.

Blended Family Adjustments

Challenges in merging families from previous relationships, where integrating different values, routines, and relationships leads to conflict and stress.

Substance Abuse

Instances of drug or alcohol abuse by one or more family members, affecting relationships and creating a harmful environment that requires intervention.

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Answers to Common Questions

What is family counseling?

Family counseling is a type of therapy that addresses issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can help members understand and improve communication, resolve conflicts, and deal with specific family situations in a more constructive way.

How can I tell if my family needs counseling?

If your family is experiencing persistent conflict, communication issues, significant life changes, or members are showing signs of stress, depression, or anxiety, these may be indicators that counseling could be beneficial.

What issues can family counseling help with?

It can help with a wide range of issues, including marital problems, sibling conflicts, parenting challenges, illness or loss within the family, and behavioral problems in children and adolescents.

What are the costs associated with counseling or therapy sessions at Foundations?

At Foundations, each counseling or therapy session costs $200, or you can opt for a double session at $360. We also provide additional savings through our Healing Journey Packages, which are prepaid sessions available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, or 20, offering discounts that increase with the number of sessions purchased.

Does Foundations accept Insurance?

Foundations will provide any necessary documentation for you to submit for reimbursement with your insurance company. This approach ensures greater privacy, avoids mandatory diagnoses, offers more therapist choices, and promotes tailored session lengths, facilitating a personalized therapeutic experience without external constraints or documentation shared with insurance companies.

What if I need to reschedule my counseling session?

There is no charge for any session cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Are you available in the evenings or on weekends?

Foundations offers flexible early morning, daytime, evening, and Saturday appointments. Please contact us at 970-227-2770 to arrange a session that fits your schedule.

Is family counseling confidential?

Yes, family counseling is confidential. Therapists are bound by confidentiality laws and ethics to protect your privacy and the information shared within sessions.

Do all family members need to be present at every session?

While it's beneficial for all members to participate, there are situations where individual sessions or sessions with select family members may be more appropriate. Your therapist will recommend the best approach based on your family's specific needs.

How do I prepare for our first family counseling session?

It's helpful to think about the issues you'd like to address and any goals you have for counseling. Being open and prepared to share your feelings and experiences will facilitate a more effective session.

Can family counseling really change our family dynamics?

Yes, with commitment and effort from all family members, counseling can lead to healthier communication patterns, resolved conflicts, and a stronger, more supportive family dynamic.

Can we do family counseling online?

Yes, many therapists offer online family counseling sessions, providing flexibility for families who cannot attend in-person sessions or prefer the convenience of online therapy.

How long does each Counseling session last?

Foundations offers counseling sessions lasting 50 minutes, with an option for double sessions of 90 minutes but this can vary based on the therapist's approach and the client's needs.

How long will I need to be in Counseling?

The duration varies for everyone. Some people find relief in 8-10 sessions, while others benefit from longer-term treatment. It depends on individual goals and progress. According to the American Psychological Association 50% of people in therapy feel a sense of recovery and healing after 15-20 sessions.

Colorado Licensed Counselors

Not Always

Appointment Scheduling Within 48 Hours


Counselor Match Concierge


Expert In-house Counselor Training


All Counselors Are Employees


In-person Or Online


Local Company & Ownership


Community Involvement


Pay Per Session


Healing Journey Packages

First Visit Free

Find the Right Match

We understand that the journey to emotional well-being begins with connecting you to the right counselor. That's why we proudly offer our unique Counselor Match Guarantee. We don't just pair you with any counselor; we meticulously match you with someone who aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and goals for healing and growth. If the initial pairing needs to be corrected, we encourage you to explore our diverse and experienced team until you find the perfect fit.

Your comfort and progress are paramount, so we ensure you always have a supportive and confidential environment to pursue your journey of self-discovery and healing. Choose us as your trusted partner in this transformative experience—because your well-being deserves the utmost care.

Begin your journey today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let us guide you to emotional wellness with our dedicated and compassionate counseling services.

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Healing Journey Packages

Growth-oriented Discounts

Unlock savings on your path to wellness with our Healing Journey Discount Packages. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 prepaid sessions to gain greater insight and healing at a reduced cost.

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The Perfect Match

Our Counselor Guarantee

Start your journey with a therapist you can trust, and experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Meet with as many counselors as you need until you find the perfect fit.

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