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Marriage Counseling

Transform Your Relationship

Therapy for married couples seeking to strengthen their union, resolve conflicts, improve communication, and foster deeper understanding and intimacy.

Begin Healing and Growing Together

At our center, we redefine the approach to marriage therapy and counseling by prioritizing your time and emotional needs. Recognizing the urgency that often accompanies the decision to seek help, we offer an unmatched commitment to faster service, with appointment scheduling available within 48 hours of your initial contact and often even on the same day. This ensures that your journey towards healing and growth begins without delay.

Our team consists of exceptionally trained professionals specializing in marriage counseling, each selected for their deep understanding of the complexities of relationships. What sets us apart is not only our expertise but also our dedication to our counselors' well-being. Taking excellent care of our team allows them to provide the best care to you, ensuring a supportive and effective therapy environment. With us, you'll experience a no-nonsense approach to marriage therapy—our counselors focus on helping you heal and grow without any detours.

Accountability is a cornerstone of our practice. We strive to embody excellence in every session, holding ourselves to the highest standards to be the best for you. Alongside traditional methods, we also offer specialized play therapy services tailored for couples, which facilitates expression and communication in a transformative way, fostering more profound understanding and connection.

If you're ready to make a positive change in your relationship, don't wait. Contact us today to schedule your first session of marriage counseling. Let us help you start a new chapter of mutual growth and fulfillment. We're here to support you every step of the way because your relationship deserves the best.

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Guaranteed counselor matching to meet your needs. Experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Start your journey with a therapist you can trust.

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Do You Feel...

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, reaching out to the experts at Foundations can be a convenient and effective way to start addressing these challenges. The team at Foundations is ready to guide you through your journey toward healing and personal growth. Taking that first step to seek help can lead to significant positive changes in your life.

Communication Breakdown

Struggles with open and healthy communication, where family members find it hard to share feelings, thoughts, or concerns without misunderstanding or escalation.

Frequent Arguments

If disagreements become a daily routine over both minor and major issues, and you can’t seem to find common ground, marriage counseling can help resolve underlying conflicts.

Diminished Intimacy

A noticeable decrease in physical or emotional intimacy, where you no longer share moments of closeness or feel distant from your partner, may indicate the need for couples therapy to rekindle your connection.

Trust Issues

Whether stemming from infidelity, secrecy, or broken promises, trust issues can severely impact your relationship. Counseling offers a path to healing and rebuilding trust.

Feeling Contempt or Resentment

Holding onto resentment or feeling contempt towards your partner can erode the foundation of your relationship. Therapy provides a safe space to address and work through these feelings.

Lack of Individual Identity

If you or your partner feel you've lost your sense of self within the relationship, therapy can help you both rediscover your individuality and how to support each other’s growth.

Avoiding Each Other

When you start spending less time together by choice or prefer the company of others over your partner, it’s a sign of growing apart that counseling can address.

Talking About Separation or Divorce

If the idea of separation or divorce has been brought up, even if not seriously, it reflects deep-seated issues that therapy can help you confront and work through.

Differences in Parenting Styles

Conflicts over how to raise your children can create a rift between partners. Couples therapy can help you find common ground and unified strategies.

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Answers to Common Questions

What can I expect in the first session of marriage and couples counseling?

In the first session, your therapist will likely ask about your relationship history, challenges you're facing, and your goals for therapy. It's a chance for both of you to express your feelings and for the therapist to understand how best to help you.

Will our counselor take sides?

A skilled counselor is trained to remain neutral, providing a balanced perspective and support to both partners. Their role is to facilitate healing and understanding, not to take sides.

Can we go to counseling if we're not married?

Absolutely. Couples counseling is for any couple, married or not, who seeks to improve their relationship and resolve conflicts.

What are the costs associated with counseling or therapy sessions at Foundations?

At Foundations, each counseling or therapy session costs $200, or you can opt for a double session at $360. We also provide additional savings through our Healing Journey Packages, which are prepaid sessions available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, or 20, offering discounts that increase with the number of sessions purchased.

Does Foundations accept Insurance?

Foundations will provide any necessary documentation for you to submit for reimbursement with your insurance company. This approach ensures greater privacy, avoids mandatory diagnoses, offers more therapist choices, and promotes tailored session lengths, facilitating a personalized therapeutic experience without external constraints or documentation shared with insurance companies.

What if I need to reschedule my counseling session?

There is no charge for any session cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Are you available in the evenings or on weekends?

Foundations offers flexible early morning, daytime, evening, and Saturday appointments. Please contact us at 970-227-2770 to arrange a session that fits your schedule.

What if my partner refuses to attend?

It's beneficial if both partners participate, but individual therapy can also be a good start. Sometimes, seeing one partner engage in therapy can encourage the other to join later.

Is marriage therapy effective?

Yes, many couples experience significant improvements in their relationships through therapy. Success largely depends on the couple's willingness to work on their relationship and apply the strategies learned in therapy.

Will our sessions be confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is a fundamental principle in therapy. What you discuss in sessions is not shared outside, except under specific circumstances mandated by law, such as imminent risk of harm.

Can marriage counseling help if we're already considering divorce?

Yes, it can. Counseling provides a space to explore the root causes of problems and can either help couples reconcile or part ways more amicably, understanding the breakdown of their relationship.

How long does each Counseling session last?

Foundations offers counseling sessions lasting 50 minutes, with an option for double sessions of 90 minutes but this can vary based on the therapist's approach and the client's needs.

How long will we need to be in Marriage Counseling?

The duration varies for everyone. Some people find relief in 8-10 sessions, while others benefit from longer-term treatment. It depends on individual goals and progress. According to the American Psychological Association 50% of people in therapy feel a sense of recovery and healing after 15-20 sessions.

Colorado Licensed Counselors

Not Always

Appointment Scheduling Within 48 Hours


Counselor Match Concierge


Expert In-house Counselor Training


All Counselors Are Employees


In-person Or Online


Local Company & Ownership


Community Involvement


Pay Per Session


Healing Journey Packages

First Visit Free

Find the Right Match

We understand that the journey to emotional well-being begins with connecting you to the right counselor. That's why we proudly offer our unique Counselor Match Guarantee. We don't just pair you with any counselor; we meticulously match you with someone who aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and goals for healing and growth. If the initial pairing needs to be corrected, we encourage you to explore our diverse and experienced team until you find the perfect fit.

Your comfort and progress are paramount, so we ensure you always have a supportive and confidential environment to pursue your journey of self-discovery and healing. Choose us as your trusted partner in this transformative experience—because your well-being deserves the utmost care.

Begin your journey today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let us guide you to emotional wellness with our dedicated and compassionate counseling services.

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Healing Journey Packages

Growth-oriented Discounts

Unlock savings on your path to wellness with our Healing Journey Discount Packages. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 prepaid sessions to gain greater insight and healing at a reduced cost.

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The Perfect Match

Our Counselor Guarantee

Start your journey with a therapist you can trust, and experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Meet with as many counselors as you need until you find the perfect fit.

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