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Divorce Recovery Therapy

Heal and Rebuild After Divorce

Divorce recovery therapy helps individuals navigate the emotional challenges of separation. Our compassionate approach supports healing, personal growth, and resilience, providing tools to rebuild a fulfilling life post-divorce.

Compassionate, Expert Support

In the wake of a divorce, finding a path to healing can often feel like navigating through a storm without a compass. This is where our specialized divorce recovery therapy and counseling step in to offer a beacon of hope and guidance. With the promise of swift appointment settings—from the same day to within 48 hours—we ensure you receive the support you need without unnecessary delays. Our service is founded on the principle that faster access to help is crucial during such vulnerable times.

Our team is composed of highly trained counseling professionals selected not only for their expertise but also for their compassionate approach to healing. We believe in taking exceptional care of our counselors and creating an environment where they can thrive. This philosophy extends directly to you, ensuring that our counselors are fully present and dedicated to your journey of healing and growth. Our approach to divorce recovery therapy and counseling is straightforward—no gimmicks, no empty promises—just genuine support aimed at helping you rebuild and find strength.

Accountability is at the core of our mission. We strive to be the best in our field, offering top-tier divorce recovery therapy and counseling that addresses your unique needs. Our counselors are here to guide you through this challenging period, empowering you to heal and grow beyond the pain of divorce.

Our team will walk with you if you're ready to take the first step towards healing. Reach out today to schedule your appointment and start your recovery journey with the best in divorce recovery therapy and counseling. Your new beginning awaits.

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Guaranteed counselor matching to meet your needs. Experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Start your journey with a therapist you can trust.

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Do You Feel...

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, reaching out to the experts at Foundations can be a convenient and effective way to start addressing these challenges. The team at Foundations is ready to guide you through your journey toward healing and personal growth. Taking that first step to seek help can lead to significant positive changes in your life.

Overwhelming Emotional Turmoil

If you're experiencing intense emotions such as anger, sadness, confusion, or anxiety that disrupt your daily life, it may be a sign that you could benefit from divorce recovery therapy and counseling. These feelings can be overwhelming, making it difficult to cope with routine tasks.

Difficulty Moving On

Finding it hard to envision a future without your former partner or to let go of the past? Divorce recovery therapy can provide strategies and support to help you visualize and work towards a fulfilling future.

Sleep Disturbances

Changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or oversleeping, can indicate underlying stress or depression related to the divorce. Therapy can address these issues, promoting healthier sleep habits and overall well-being.

Changes in Appetite or Weight

Significant weight loss or gain without an apparent reason can physically manifest emotional distress. Counseling can help address the emotional roots of these changes.

Isolation from Social Activities

If you're withdrawing from friends, family, or activities you once enjoyed, it may be a sign of depression or anxiety stemming from your divorce. Therapy offers a space to process these feelings and encourages re-engagement with your social network.

Struggling with Co-parenting

Difficulty managing co-parenting responsibilities and communicating with your ex-partner can create a stressful environment for everyone involved. Divorce recovery counseling can offer strategies to navigate these challenges effectively.

Low Self-esteem or Self-worth

Experiencing a significant drop in self-confidence or feelings of worthlessness post-divorce is common. Therapy can help rebuild your sense of self and improve your self-esteem.

Inability to Focus on Work or Responsibilities

Finding it hard to concentrate on work tasks, care for children, or manage daily responsibilities can be a symptom of a divorce's mental and emotional load. Counseling provides tools to manage these challenges more effectively.

Reckless or Self-destructive Behaviors

Engaging in risky activities, substance abuse, or neglecting personal care can be signs of trying to cope with the pain of a divorce in unhealthy ways. Therapy aims to address these behaviors and replace them with healthier coping mechanisms.

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Answers to Common Questions

What is divorce recovery therapy and counseling?

Divorce recovery therapy and counseling are specialized forms of psychological support designed to help individuals cope with the emotional and practical challenges of divorce. It offers a space to process feelings of loss, anger, and confusion while providing strategies for moving forward.

How can divorce recovery therapy help me?

It can help by providing emotional support, coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and sadness, strategies for effective co-parenting, assistance rebuilding self-esteem, and guidance on establishing a new routine and future after divorce.

How long does divorce recovery therapy usually take?

The duration varies significantly from person to person, depending on the complexity of the emotions involved and the individual's progress. Some may feel better after as little as 8 sessions, while others may need longer-term support.

What are the costs associated with counseling or therapy sessions at Foundations?

At Foundations, each counseling or therapy session costs $200, or you can opt for a double session at $360. We also provide additional savings through our Healing Journey Packages, which are prepaid sessions available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, or 20, offering discounts that increase with the number of sessions purchased.

Does Foundations accept Insurance?

Foundations will provide any necessary documentation for you to submit for reimbursement with your insurance company. This approach ensures greater privacy, avoids mandatory diagnoses, offers more therapist choices, and promotes tailored session lengths, facilitating a personalized therapeutic experience without external constraints or documentation shared with insurance companies.

What if I need to reschedule my counseling session?

There is no charge for any session cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Are you available in the evenings or on weekends?

Foundations offers flexible early morning, daytime, evening, and Saturday appointments. Please contact us at 970-227-2770 to arrange a session that fits your schedule.

Is it normal to feel guilty about seeking help?

It's normal. Many people feel guilty or see it as a sign of weakness, but seeking help is a proactive step towards healing and shows strength in recognizing the need for support.

Can therapy help me if I'm still in the process of divorcing?

Yes, therapy can be beneficial at any stage of the divorce process, offering emotional support and coping strategies during what can be a highly stressful time.

Will I have to talk about things I'm not comfortable with?

Therapists understand the importance of moving at a pace that feels right for you. While therapy involves discussing difficult emotions and experiences, a good therapist will never force you to talk about something before you're ready.

What's the difference between individual and group therapy for divorce recovery?

Individual therapy provides personalized support, focusing on your unique experiences and feelings. Group therapy offers a sense of community and understanding from others who are going through similar situations.

Can divorce recovery therapy help with co-parenting?

Yes, it can offer strategies and advice on managing co-parenting arrangements constructively, focusing on the well-being of any children involved and improving communication with your ex-partner.

Can online therapy be as effective as in-person sessions for divorce recovery?

Yes, for many people, online therapy provides a flexible and accessible option that can be just as effective as in-person sessions, mainly if it means consistently attending sessions.

How soon after my divorce should I start therapy?

There's no set timeline for when to begin therapy; it's about when you feel ready and recognize that you might benefit from additional support. Whether during the divorce process or months afterward, the right time is when you need help in coping and healing.

Colorado Licensed Counselors

Not Always

Appointment Scheduling Within 48 Hours


Counselor Match Concierge


Expert In-house Counselor Training


All Counselors Are Employees


In-person Or Online


Local Company & Ownership


Community Involvement


Pay Per Session


Healing Journey Packages

First Visit Free

Find the Right Match

We understand that the journey to emotional well-being begins with connecting you to the right counselor. That's why we proudly offer our unique Counselor Match Guarantee. We don't just pair you with any counselor; we meticulously match you with someone who aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and goals for healing and growth. If the initial pairing needs to be corrected, we encourage you to explore our diverse and experienced team until you find the perfect fit.

Your comfort and progress are paramount, so we ensure you always have a supportive and confidential environment to pursue your journey of self-discovery and healing. Choose us as your trusted partner in this transformative experience—because your well-being deserves the utmost care.

Begin your journey today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let us guide you to emotional wellness with our dedicated and compassionate counseling services.

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Healing Journey Packages

Growth-oriented Discounts

Unlock savings on your path to wellness with our Healing Journey Discount Packages. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 prepaid sessions to gain greater insight and healing at a reduced cost.

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The Perfect Match

Our Counselor Guarantee

Start your journey with a therapist you can trust, and experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Meet with as many counselors as you need until you find the perfect fit.

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