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Anger Management Counseling

Take Charge Now: Harness Your Emotions

Recognizing the profound effects of unmanaged anger on your life, we offer specialized anger management counseling. Our approach uncovers the roots of anger, providing tools for lasting change and helping you master your emotions.

Master Anger, Embrace Peace

Understanding the powerful impact of unchecked anger on life's meaningful moments, we provide specialized anger management counseling tailored to help individuals constructively channel and refine their emotions. Our approach delves deep into the underlying triggers of anger, equipping clients with actionable tools and insights for lasting change. We emphasize the importance of a solid therapeutic rapport; our counselor match guarantee ensures clients connect with the ideal therapist for their journey within our services.

Recognizing the urgency of addressing anger issues, our commitment to swift response means we provide appointments within 48 hours through our FASTER initiative. Our high standards in hiring and continuous training of therapists ensure top-notch anger management counseling. We care deeply for our therapists, empowering them to deliver superior counseling services. Our rigorous accountability framework assesses counselor performance to maintain excellence in all interactions.

If you're ready to transform your approach to anger and improve your quality of life, contact us. Schedule an appointment and begin your transformative journey in anger management today. Let us guide you through mastering your emotions and rediscovering peace.

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Guaranteed counselor matching to meet your needs. Experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Start your journey with a therapist you can trust.

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Do You Feel...

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, reaching out to the experts at Foundations can be a convenient and effective way to start addressing these challenges. The team at Foundations is ready to guide you through your journey toward healing and personal growth. Taking that first step to seek help can lead to significant positive changes in your life.

Frequent Outbursts

Regular instances of losing one's temper, sometimes over minor issues, leading to shouting or physical confrontations.

Physical Aggression

Using physical force or threats towards others when angered, including hitting, throwing objects, or getting into physical fights.

Regretful Actions

Frequently feeling remorse or regret after an anger episode, wishing one had handled situations differently.

Strained Relationships

Damaged personal or professional relationships due to repeated angry outbursts or confrontations.

Avoidance by Peers

Noticeable distance or avoidance from friends, family, or colleagues because of one's temper.

Constant Irritability

Feeling on edge or easily annoyed, with minor inconveniences leading to disproportionate anger.

Difficulty De-escalating

Once angered, struggling to calm down and return to a baseline emotional state.

Recurring Negative Consequences

Facing frequent negative repercussions, such as disciplinary actions at work or legal troubles due to anger.

Ruminating Thoughts

Obsessively thinking about past events or perceived wrongs, fueling further anger or resentment.

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Answers to Common Questions

What is anger management counseling?

It's a therapeutic approach designed to help individuals recognize triggers and learn strategies to respond in a controlled, healthy way to provocative situations.

How can anger management counseling benefit me?

It can help you recognize early signs of anger, develop coping mechanisms, improve relationships, and reduce the risk of adverse consequences stemming from uncontrolled anger.

How long does each counseling session last?

Foundations offers individual counseling sessions lasting 50 minutes, with an option for double sessions of 90 minutes but this can vary based on the therapist's approach and the client's needs.

What are the costs associated with counseling or therapy sessions at Foundations?

At Foundations, each counseling or therapy session costs $200, or you can opt for a double session at $360. We also provide additional savings through our Healing Journey Packages, which are prepaid sessions available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, or 20, offering discounts that increase with the number of sessions purchased.

Does Foundations accept Insurance?

Foundations will provide any necessary documentation for you to submit for reimbursement with your insurance company. This approach ensures greater privacy, avoids mandatory diagnoses, offers more therapist choices, and promotes tailored session lengths, facilitating a personalized therapeutic experience without external constraints or documentation shared with insurance companies.

What if I need to reschedule my counseling session?

There is no charge for any session cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Are you available in the evenings or on weekends?

Foundations offers flexible early morning, daytime, evening, and Saturday appointments. Please contact us at 970-227-2770 to arrange a session that fits your schedule.

Is everything I share in anger management counseling confidential?

Yes, with few exceptions (like harm to oneself or others), everything shared in abuse counseling is confidential.

Can anger management counseling help with other issues like depression or anxiety?

Yes, many techniques taught in anger management can be beneficial for various emotional challenges. Your therapist can provide guidance tailored to your unique needs.

How do I know if I genuinely need anger management counseling?

If anger negatively affects your relationships, job, health, or overall well-being, it might be beneficial to seek counseling.

How long will I need to be in anger management therapy?

The duration of therapy varies for everyone. Some people find relief in 8-10 sessions, while others benefit from longer-term treatment. It depends on individual goals and progress. According to the American Psychological Association 50% of people in therapy feel a sense of recovery and healing after 15-20 sessions.

Colorado Licensed Counselors

Not Always

Appointment Scheduling Within 48 Hours


Counselor Match Concierge


Expert In-house Counselor Training


All Counselors Are Employees


In-person Or Online


Local Company & Ownership


Community Involvement


Pay Per Session


Healing Journey Packages

First Visit Free

Find the Right Match

We understand that the journey to emotional well-being begins with connecting you to the right counselor. That's why we proudly offer our unique Counselor Match Guarantee. We don't just pair you with any counselor; we meticulously match you with someone who aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and goals for healing and growth. If the initial pairing needs to be corrected, we encourage you to explore our diverse and experienced team until you find the perfect fit.

Your comfort and progress are paramount, so we ensure you always have a supportive and confidential environment to pursue your journey of self-discovery and healing. Choose us as your trusted partner in this transformative experience—because your well-being deserves the utmost care.

Begin your journey today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let us guide you to emotional wellness with our dedicated and compassionate counseling services.

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Healing Journey Packages

Growth-oriented Discounts

Unlock savings on your path to wellness with our Healing Journey Discount Packages. Choose from 5, 10, 15, or 20 prepaid sessions to gain greater insight and healing at a reduced cost.

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The Perfect Match

Our Counselor Guarantee

Start your journey with a therapist you can trust, and experience personalized therapy that’s right for you. Meet with as many counselors as you need until you find the perfect fit.

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