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This Is the Healthiest Way to Use Social Media | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Mar 19, 2023 6:00:00 AM

5 Tips for a Healthier Social Media Experience

Social media is a huge part of modern life. In fact, a recent report estimates that about 81 percent of Americans have at least one social media profile . Unfortunately, social media activity can have a negative impact on our psyches, causing us to become angry, depressed and sedentary. While avoiding social media entirely is unrealistic, there are some strategies you can use to make the experience healthier

A Serious Problem

For many people, social media is an addiction, complete with both physical and psychological consequences. According to research, the more time people spend on social media , the more likely they are to experience negative life satisfaction, negative mental health and negative physical health. While many experts are quick to blame social platforms, themselves, the real problem lies in the way people use them.

If you are worried that social media could be negatively impacting your well-being or that of your child, you may want to consider professional Facebook depression therapy and counseling . You can also promote a healthier, happier social media experience, using the following tips”

  1. Schedule a social media time. Many people find themselves relentlessly checking their timelines or scrolling through their feeds. Not only does this hamper productivity, it can lead to compulsions that can detract from work, friendships and family life. If you spend more time on social media than you should, try setting aside specific times of the day when you will allow yourself to check in with your social media accounts. You should also limit your logged-in time to no more than 15 minutes per check-in.
  2. Don't compare. As the old saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. When we compare our lives to what we see on other people's social media accounts, we are making false assumptions. Remember that people use social media to showcase their best moments. This can create unrealistic perceptions that make other people feel as if they are not living life to the fullest. Try to not to judge other people or yourself when using social media, and take every post with a grain of salt.
  3. Don't use it as a substitute. When used responsibly, social media can help people reconnect and stay engaged. That said, it should never develop into a substitute for traditional social contact. Instead of sending your friends and family digital messages, pick up the phone and catch up. You should also make sure your social media habits aren't keeping you from getting out of the house to enjoy real-world experiences.
  4. Think before posting. Most people would love to hit the rewind button on one or more of their social media posts. Avoid embarrassment and regret by carefully considering each one of your posts. If you are angry, consider waiting an hour or overnight before expressing your thoughts where everyone can see them. You should also avoid posting on social media when intoxicated. Finally, consider all of your social media friends and followers before making any post that might be interpreted as hurtful or insensitive.
  5. Be yourself. Instead of trying to frame your life as perfect or successful, try to make posts that reflect your authentic self. Post photos that reflect your real life, including who you are, what you value most, and who you love and appreciate. When we try to present a false image of who we are and how we live, it creates stress and pressure, as we constantly attempt to prop up the fictitious self we want the world to see.

Our caring therapists can help you live happier and healthier. Contact us today!