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7 Tools to Fight Procrastination | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Oct 10, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Tips to Avoid Procrastinating

Almost all of us struggle with procrastination at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, when we put off necessary tasks, we risk missing deadlines while subjecting ourselves to needless stress. If you find yourself putting important things off until later, these strategies can help you overcome your tendency to procrastinate.

Do the easiest thing first. Starting can be difficult, but once you get over the hump it's typically easy to keep going. Instead of trying to get the hardest part of your task out of the way, try to build some easy momentum by tackling the most achievable task first. You may be surprised to find that you continue pressing forward with the project once you build a little momentum.

Break down your task. Because big jobs can be overwhelming, we tend to put them off. By taking an unwieldy task and breaking it down into smaller, achievable steps, you can reduce your fear and dread. Instead of ruminating over everything you have to do to complete a goal, try to get the ball rolling by completing a small portion of the project.

Focus on the rewards. Instead of thinking about all the nitty-gritty details surrounding a task, try to think about the reasons behind it. Have you been putting off writing that novel? Think about why you established the goal in the first place. Are you having trouble tackling a messy closet? Imagine how good it will feel to see it organized and clean. When we focus on the reasons behind tasks, we adopt a more positive mentality that can drive us away from procrastination toward a more productive mindset.

Be mindful. If you focus on the entirety of a project or goal, it can start to look unwieldy. Remember that every long journey begins with a first step. Instead of envisioning what it will take to complete your task, limit your focus to each individual action. Try to engage in every facet of the entire experience, one step at a time, instead of resisting or grumbling about the project as a whole.

Start in the morning. Most people are more productive after a rejuvenating night of quality sleep. On the other hand, you are more likely to feel less motivated after a fatiguing day of hard work. If you have a project you've been putting off, try to start on it after a night of restorative sleep.

Get some support. In some cases, people need support from a professional to help them overcome their tendencies to procrastinate. A life coach can help streamline your success by providing motivation and confidence, while also offering emotional support along the way. During their interactions with a professional life coach, people often uncover deep psychological and emotional issues that lead to procrastination. Life coaches can help clients work through many of these issues so they can stop procrastinating and achieve their goals.

Commit to your task. You may have heard that people are more likely to achieve long-term goals when they write them down on paper. This strategy can also help you achieve short-term goals, whether it's an important work project or a minor task around the house. When writing down your goals, be sure to include a timeline. For instance, instead of creating a simple numbered chore list, begin each sentence with a definitive deadline, such as "By the end of the day, I will..."

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