Growth Beyond Healing Blog: Empower Your Emotional Wellness Journey

7 Tips for Managing Your ADHD at Work | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Sep 19, 2023 6:00:00 AM

How to Manage Adult ADHD in the Workplace

Managing your ADHD symptoms can be difficult whenever the need to focus arises, but it can be especially tricky at work.

These non-medical treatment options vary, and while the ideas on this list might not work for everyone, we hope they can help you stay productive and distraction-free in the office. Read this list, and then give them a try!

1. Try working in intervals

Set a timer for 20, 30, or 45 minutes, and then take a 5-10 minute break. This time management skill gives you the opportunity to focus intently for short periods of time with the promise of an upcoming break once you meet your goal.

2. Move around throughout your workday

Sitting at a desk all day can feel like torture, especially for someone with ADHD. Make it a point to move throughout the day, whether that means taking a walk or doing push-ups in the break room.

You could even combine these first two tips: Work for your pre-determined interval and then use the short break to get your blood flowing.

3. Communicate your needs to your coworkers

When a coworker stops by your desk for a brief chat does it completely derail your morning or afternoon? If your brain has a tough time getting back on track with distractions like that, there's no harm in politely and tactfully communicating it to your coworkers.

4. Keep your workspace organized

For some people, the mere sight of a cluttered desk or workspace is a huge distraction. If you need a clutter-free zone to work from be sure to make it a priority. For example, dedicate the last 15 minutes of your workday to organization.

5. Write everything down

If you get distracted easily and often forget things due to your ADHD, lists can be a lifesaver. As soon as you think of something you need to do, or whenever you have a new idea, write it down immediately.

6. Try listening to classical music

Studies have shown that music can help strengthen certain parts of the brain in children, and adults can also benefit from the power of music. Try putting on some soothing, classical music to see if it helps you focus more effectively.

7. Try ADHD therapy and counseling

If you haven't already sought out the help of a qualified therapist, now could be a good time to explore how well it could work for your ADHD.

ADHD therapy will help you develop skills and behaviors to cope with your biggest struggles. There are a number of ways to do this, but at Foundations Counseling we utilize cognitive behavioral therapy to help people make concrete, observable changes in their lives.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you examine your beliefs and behaviors, and will then teach you strategies to counteract them. This method of treatment helps you learn how to accept yourself as you are, which in turn leads to greater happiness, contentment, and even more success at work.