Growth Beyond Healing Blog: Empower Your Emotional Wellness Journey

6 Mental Health Apps Reviewed | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Jun 25, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Apps to Help With Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and More

Technology is a miraculous thing, and the phrase, “there's an app for that,” isn't far from the truth. These days, it seems like there's an app for everything you might want to do, including taking better care of your mental health.

With so many apps available, it can be tough to know which ones are worth your time and energy. If you aren't sure where to turn, check out these 6 mental health apps that are a wonderful pairing with traditional therapy.

1. Breathe2Relax

This app was designed for the military community, but conscious breathing is beneficial for anyone. Breathe2Relax trains you on the technique of “belly breathing,” a type of deep breathing that has been proven to lower stress, reduce anxiety, focus the mood, improve overall mental health, and more. You can use the app on your own, but it's particularly helpful when coupled with a stress management program that you and your therapist create together.

2. SuperBetter

Developing resilience in the face of adversity is one of the most powerful ways to take control of your mental well-being. SuperBetter helps you stay motivated, optimistic, and strong when things get tough, and it accomplishes this in game-form. Several universities have even evaluated the app, and the results show that people who play, “experience mental, social and emotional improvements linked to higher resilience -- more optimism, social support, self-efficacy and life satisfaction; and less anxiety, depression & hopelessness.”

3. Calm

Calm is a well-known meditation app that consistently ranks high amongst users. If you've never tried mediation before , or can't seem to get into it on your own, the app's easy-to-use interface and calming guided meditations can be a game-changer. Calm also includes “Sleep Stories,” which can help you get a better night's rest (a very important part of sound mental health).

4. Moodpath

If you suffer from depression, or even if you're having a rough patch, Moodpath can help. The app screens your mental well-being via daily questions. As you answer them, your self-awareness is elevated, but after 2 weeks you'll also get an electronic doctor letter that you can share with your therapist or counselor. From there, you can complete 150 psychological exercises and videos within the app that help improve mental health and your understanding of your moods, all while working with your therapist.

5. CPT Coach

This app helps those suffering from PTSD with a psychotherapy method called Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). It's more of a “treatment companion” than anything else, and is meant to be used alongside traditional therapy, and patients use it during their face-to-face therapy sessions.

6. 7cups

7cups is an app that provides instant access to a community, including strangers with similar life experiences and even a “caring and compassionate trained active listener.” You can search for a listener based on life experience or affiliation, which enhances the level of comfort you feel while sharing. There's no judgment in this community, and support is available for anything you might be enduring, from severe depression to struggles at work, in relationships, and elsewhere.

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