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5 Ways to Mentally Bounce Back After Losing Your Job | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Aug 8, 2023 6:00:00 AM

5 Tips to Help You Recover from the Loss of a Job

Losing a job is never easy, especially if it wasn't your choice. For many people, a lost job isn't just about losing income; it's about losing a core part of their identities. While time heals all wounds, there are some things you can do to speed up the process. Here are some of the best ways to get up, dust yourself off and get back in the game.

  1. Maintain a routine . Even if you aren't currently working, you should keep a relatively strict routine. Get up at the same time every morning and get dressed. Eat breakfast, brew a cup of coffee and go online to look at potential opportunities. You should also consider leaving the house during normal working hours to look for new employment. These days, searching for a job is like having a job. By maintaining a strict daily routine, you can keep yourself upbeat, while increasing your chances of finding new work.
  2. Go over your budget . Since a lost job means lost income, you will need to adjust your spending habits, at least for a while. Sit down and meticulously go over your budget. Try to determine how far your savings will take you and whether you should apply for unemployment. It's one thing to temporarily replace that daily Starbucks Frappuccino with a homemade cup of coffee. If a lost job will bring you serious financial hardship, however, you will want to get out in front of the situation as fast impossible.
  3. Think about seeking legal advice . If you were a high-level employee for a major company, you may want to seek legal counsel to make sure your severance package is accurately reflecting the specified terms of your employment contract. Quite often, people become so emotionally distressed over the loss of a job, they have difficulty concentrating on important matters. Another set of expert eyes can help ensure you are getting everything you were promised when you signed up to work for your former employer.
  4. Allow yourself to grieve . When we lose something important, it's perfectly normal to grieve. It might be tempting to take a sour-grapes attitude toward your old job; however, this can actually prolong your suffering. Perhaps the job really wasn't that great, and maybe you will be better off without it. Even if this is the case, it's still important to acknowledge your feelings, rather than suppress them. Once you've allowed yourself to grieve, it will be easier to bounce back and formulate a new plan. With all that said, you should definitely resist the temptation to wallow. At some point you will need to put all the what-ifs behind you and start focusing on the future.
  5. Reach out . While some people only value their jobs for the paychecks, others regard them as callings. In some instances, a lost job can send a person into a tailspin, especially if a new opportunity doesn't present itself right away. Try to leverage your resources by networking with friends, family, former clients and former co-workers. Countless people learn about new, rewarding opportunities when they reach out in this way. You may also want to consider talking to a therapist if you feel you are having difficulty moving on after a job loss, or you discover that the ordeal has stirred up feelings of low self-worth. Whatever the case, resist the temptation to withdraw into a shell, and force yourself to leave the house and engage with the world.

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