Growth Beyond Healing Blog: Empower Your Emotional Wellness Journey

5 Ways to Help Someone Battling with Addiction | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Sep 29, 2023 6:00:00 AM

How to Support Someone Struggling with Addiction

When someone you care about is struggling with addiction, watching them can be heartbreaking and emotional.

While there's no exact formula for providing support, there are some positive steps you can take. Read on to learn how to support a loved one who has a drug addiction while protecting your psychological well-being.

1. Learn about addiction.

There's a lot to know about drug addiction . Until you educate yourself, it will be easy to miss symptoms and make missteps. Addiction is a complex issue, so you shouldn't expect to know everything right away.

By taking the time to research your loved one's issue, you will better understand how it has and will continue to affect them. Knowledge can also help you become more aware of the telltale signs that your loved one may need help. With addiction, the more you know, the more empowered you become.

2. Offer support.

Addicts sometimes have difficulty understanding how much their family and friends love them. This can be especially true if their addition has created fractures in relationships.

Without being judgmental , let your loved one know you are concerned about their well-being. Don't wait until they've hit rock bottom to speak up. Let them know you are here now and will continue to be available during their journey to recovery. This can instill a greater sense of confidence and trust.

3. Encourage them to seek help.

Just like other diseases, drug addiction is more easily treated when caught early. That said, don't be surprised if your loved one responds to your concerns with denial or excuses.

Even if they seem resistant to the idea, continue to encourage them to seek help without using shame or guilt as leverage. If you can't seem to make headway, consider holding an intervention. Because these events can become emotional and combative, however, it's best to work with a counselor or therapist to help navigate the process and promote optimal outcomes.

4. Accept that recovery is a process.

Unfortunately, many people have unrealistic expectations about addiction recovery. When a loved one seeks help, they expect things to get better without any setbacks .

In reality, recovery is a challenging and lengthy process. Once your loved one decides to get help, you must remain involved. Commit to participating in ongoing care, support groups, and recovery meetings. Try to create a sense of security and confidence that you will be there, offering your support every step of the way.

5. Take care of yourself .

While it may seem selfish, you also need to prioritize your well-being throughout your loved one's recovery process. You can't be supportive, available and compassionate if you aren't getting enough sleep or eating well.

It can be incredibly emotional and stressful when someone you love is struggling with addiction. While it's important to be available for your loved one, you shouldn't take on too much. If you are struggling due to a loved one's drug addiction, consider seeing a therapist who can provide guidance and support.

Our caring therapists can help you overcome life's greatest challenges. Contact us today!