Growth Beyond Healing Blog: Empower Your Emotional Wellness Journey

5 Signs It's Time to See A Therapist | Foundations

Written by Chris Berger | Sep 13, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Do I Need to See a Therapist?

How do you know if you should start seeing a therapist? Here are five signs you may need help from a professional counselor.

Your issues cause significant distress. Problems come and go in life. Sometimes, however, issues continue to linger for months or even years. Over time, lingering emotions and mental health issues begin causing significant problems in everyday life, making it hard for people to function at work or in relationships. You might have trouble concentrating or suffer from anger, anxiety and depression. Whatever the case, if your issues seem to be impacting your relationships or daily life, you should consider seeking counseling before things get worse.

Nothing seems to help. When depression, anxiety and other mental health issues continue for long periods of time, people tend to try all sorts of things to reverse the sadness, lethargy and hopeless feelings. Unfortunately, sometimes our natural coping abilities aren't enough to reverse a downward spiral. Perhaps you've tried exercise, meditation, talking to friends or seeking support online. If all of this has failed, it's time to reach out to a qualified professional who can work with you to identify the cause of your issues and help you develop an effective strategy for improving your situation.

You look for unhealthy relief. It's not uncommon for people to rely on drugs and alcohol to help get them through difficult times. Unfortunately, this can lead to dependence and exacerbate existing issues. Sometimes people embrace other unhealthy behaviors to escape their feelings. They might have risky sex, gamble, go on impulsive shopping sprees, or engage in destructive social media behaviors. If you notice an increasing reliance on substances or have begun to engage in risky behaviors, it's a good sign that you can benefit from therapy.

You have troubling symptoms. Excessive anger, uncontrollable sadness, hopelessness and depression can be signs of mental health issues that can significantly improve through therapy. Withdrawing from friends and family, losing interest in hobbies, eating or sleeping more or less than usual, or catastrophic thoughts are also signs that it's time to reach out for help. While some people benefit from medications designed to curb anxiety, aggression and depression, these don't really address the underlying problem. If you want long-term relief from your mental health issues, consider visiting with a qualified therapist to address the real causes behind your feelings and actions.

You're struggling to deal with a big life event. Change is a part of life, and we can all expect to face ups and downs through the years. We lose jobs and relationships. Friends come and go. Parents pass away. Through it all, we do our best to cope while also fulfilling our responsibilities as parents, partners and employees. If you are having trouble moving past a traumatic life event, consider trying therapy to see if it can help. Certain traumas can make us question our place in the world or cause us to experience existential crises. They may lead us to believe we can't trust other people or ourselves. Whatever your individual challenge, therapy can help you face your issues and develop an effective, healthy way to move forward.

Our caring therapists can help you overcome life's greatest challenges. Contact us today!